2020 精神分析【高雄】秋季班講座:到底什麼是精神分析?精神分析基本概念介紹
Kaohsiung 2020Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Psychoanalysis
1895年佛洛伊德出版了「歇斯底里的研究(Studies on Hysteria)」,揭開人類心理研究的新頁。
【地點】高雄市苓雅區尚志街2號2樓 無境文化講堂
【課程大綱/講師】( 註:09/30、11/04 跳過無課程 )
日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
1 |
09/16 |
嬰兒性特質與生存本能 -Infantile Sexuality and Life Instinct |
葉怡寧醫師 |
2 |
09/23 |
精神現實與外在現實 -Psychic Reality and External Reality |
李俊毅醫師 |
3 |
10/07 |
無意識與潛抑 -The Unconscious and Repression |
莊慧姿心理師 |
4 |
10/14 |
結構理論 -The Structural theory ※上課時間改為19:30-21:30 PM |
王盈彬醫師 |
5 |
10/21 |
移情概念的出現 -The Emergence of the Concept of Transference |
陳瑞慶心理師 |
6 |
10/28 |
重複、阻抗與負向治療反應 -Repetition, Resistance and Negative Therapeutic Reaction |
莊慧姿心理師 |
7 |
11/11 |
詮釋和其他介入 -Interpretation and other interventions |
李俊毅醫師 |
8 |
11/18 |
伊底帕斯情結 -Oedipal Complex |
李俊毅醫師 |
9 |
11/25 |
內攝、投射、以及分裂:妄想類分裂位置 -Introjection, projective identification, and splitting: the Pananoid-Schizoid Position |
許宗蔚醫師 |
10 |
12/02 |
幻想、妒羨、憂鬱位置 -Phantasy, Envy, and the Depressive Position |
莊慧姿心理師 |
11 |
12/09 |
焦慮的兩種理論 -Two Theories of Anxiety |
黃世明醫師 |
12 |
12/16 |
死亡本能:破壞與攻擊 -The Death instinct (destructiveness, aggressivity) |
葉怡寧醫師 |
葉怡寧 精神科醫師,英國倫敦大學學院理論精神分析碩士,IPSO(Internal Psychoanalytical Studies
李俊毅 精神科醫師,英國倫敦大學學院理論精神分析碩士,臺灣精神分析學會會員
莊慧姿 臨床心理師,高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所碩士,IPSO(Internal Psychoanalytical Studies
王盈彬 精神科醫師,王盈彬精神科診所暨精神分析工作室主持人,英國倫敦大學學院理論精神分析碩士
陳瑞慶 諮商心理師,現任高雄市學生諮商中心專任心理師,臺灣精神分析學會準會員
許宗蔚 國際精神分析學會(International Psychoanalytic Association)精神分析師,兒童青少年精神科
黃世明 精神科醫師,法國巴黎第七大學「精神分析研究」學院碩士,現任心身美診所精神科主治醫師,
Lecture 1:嬰兒式性特質與生之本能 Infantile Sexuality and Life Instinct/葉怡寧醫師主講
1) Freud, S. (1923). The Infantile Genital Organization (An Interpolation into the Theory of Sexuality). Standard Edition 19, 139-146.
2) Abel-Hirsch, N. (2010). The Life Instinct. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 91:1055-1071.
3) Salomonsson, B. (2012). Has Infantile Sexuality Anything to Do with Infants?. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 93:631-647.
Lecture 2:精神現實與外在現實Psychic Reality and External Reality/李俊毅醫師主講
1) Lawrence Friedman (1995). Psychic Reality In Psychoanalytic Theory. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 76:25-28.
2) W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. (2001). Psychic Reality in the Psychoanalytic Process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 49(3):855-890.
3) Marion Michel Oliner, Ph.D. (1996). External Reality: The Elusive Dimension Of Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 65:267-300.
Lecture 3:無意識與潛抑The Unconscious and Repression/莊慧姿心理師主講
1) Freud, Sigmund. (1912). A Note on the Unconscious in Psychoanalysis. Standard Edition 12.
2) Freud, Sigmund. (1915). The Unconscious. Standard Edition 14.
3) Freud, Sigmund. (1914). Repression. Standard Edition 14.
4) Sandler, Joseph and Anne-Marie Sandier. (1994). The Past Unconscious and the Present Unconscious. Psychoanal. St. Child 49:278-92.
Lecture 4:結構理論The Structural theory/王盈彬醫師主講
1) Freud, S. (1923). The Ego and the Id. Standard Edition 19.
2) Brenner, C. (1994). The Mind as Conflict and Compromise Formation. J. Clin. Psychoanal., 3:473-488
3) Segal H. (1995). The Mind as Conflict and Compromise Formation: Comment on Charles Brenner’s Paper. In Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. New York: Routledge.
4) Gillett, E. (1997). Revising Freud's Structural Theory. Psychoanal. Contemp. Thought, 20:471-499.
Lecture 5:移情概念的出現The Emergence of the Concept of Transference/陳瑞慶心理師主講
1) Freud, S. (1915). Observations on Transference-Love (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psycho-Analysis III). Standard Edition 12, 157-171
2) Klein, M. (1952). The Origins of Transference. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 33:433-438.
3) Steiner, J. (2008). Transference to the Analyst as an Excluded Observer. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 89:39-54
Lecture 6:重複、阻抗與負向治療反應Repetition, Resistance and Negative Therapeutic Reaction/莊慧姿心裡師
1) Freud, S. (1924). The Economic Problem of Masochism. Standard Edition 19, 155-170
2) Wolstein, B. (1986). Transference Neuroses and Resistance Neuroses—Historical Notes on the Metapsychology of Narcissism. Contemp. Psychoanal., 22:202-216.
3) Herbert Rosenfeld (1987). Chap. 5: Narcissistic Patients with Negative Therapeutic Reactions. In Impasse and Interpretation. London: Tavistock. Pp. 85-104.
Lecture 7:詮釋和其他介入Interpretation and other Interventions/李俊毅醫師
1) Freud, S. (1910). ‘Wild’ Psycho-Analysis. The Standard Edition, XI:219-228
2) Strachey, J. (1934). The Nature of the Therapeutic Action of Psycho-Analysis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 15:127-159.,
3) Sandler et al (1992). Chap.10: Interpretations and other interventions. In The Patient and the Analyst London: Karnac Books. Pp. 147-163
Lecture 8:伊底帕斯情結Oedipal Complex/李俊毅醫師主講
1) Freud, S. (1924). The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex. Standard Edition 19, 171-180
2) Klein, M. (1945). The Oedipus Complex in the Light of Early Anxieties. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 26:11-33.
3) Britton, R. The missing link: parental sexuality in the Oedipus complex in The Oedipus Complex Today, Chapter 2, p 83-101, Karnac Books 2004
Lecture 9:內攝、投射、以及分裂:妄想類分裂位置
Introjection, projective identification,and splitting:the pananoid-Schizoid Position/許宗蔚醫師主講
1) Klein, M. (1946), Notes on some schizoid mechanisms, in Envy and Gratitude, Free Press, New York, 1984.
2) Kernberg, O.F. (1987). Projection and Projective Identification: Developmental and Clinical Aspects. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 35:795-819.
3) Steiner, J. (1992). The equilibrium between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions. In R. Anderson (Ed.), Clinical lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Routledge.
4) Sandler, J. (1993). On Communication from Patient to Analyst: Not Everything is Projective Identification. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:1097-1107.
Lecture 10: 幻想、妒羨、憂鬱位置Phantasy, Envy, and the Depressive Position/莊慧姿心理師主講
1) Klein, M. (1935). A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 16:145-174.
2) Etchegoyen, R.H., Lopez, B.M., Rabih, M. (1987). On Envy and How to Interpret it. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 68:49-60.
3) Britton, R. (1992). The Oedipus Situation and the Depressive Position. New Library of Psychoanalysis, 14:34-45.
4) Spillius, E.B. (2001). Freud and Klein on the Concept of Phantasy. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 82:361-373.
Lecture 11:焦慮的兩種理論Two Theories of Anxiety/黃世明醫師
1) Freud, S. (1909). Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy. Standard Edition X, p. 1-149 (中文譯本請參考:《小漢斯,畏懼症案例的分析》,簡意玲譯,心靈工坊出版)
2) Freud, S. (1917). Anxiety. Standard Edition XVI, p.392-411 (in Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, Lecture XXV)
3) Freud, S. (1926). Inhibition, Symptoms and Anxiety. Standard Edition XX, p. 75-175
Lecture 12:死亡本能:破壞與攻擊 The Death instinct (destructiveness, aggressivity)/葉怡寧醫師
1) Freud, S. (1920). Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Standard Edition 18, 1-64
2) Chessick, R.D. (1992). The Death Instinct Revisited. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 20:3-28.
3) Hanna Segal (1993). On the Clinical Usefulness of the Concept of Death Instinct. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:55-61
2020.08.31 (含)前 早鳥優惠 |
學會之友優惠 (合報2020高雄秋季班和2021高雄春季班) |
臺灣精神分析學會會員 |
免費參與 |
一般人士 |
6,000元 |
7,000元 |
10,000元 |
學生(請出示國內有效學生證) |
3,500元 |
4,500元 |
6,000元 |
※ 恕不接受單堂報名。
合報2020高雄秋季班和2021高雄春季班成為「學會之友」: 一般人士10,000元、學生6,000元
報名學會之友合報兩季課程者,恕無法以單季為單位退費。 (名額有限,欲報從速)
【疫情因應 】
1. 本課程原則上照常進行,並保持教室通風、加強環境清潔與消毒。
2. 本課程參加人數40人,請所有出席學員務必戴上口罩,避免在講堂飲食。有呼吸道症狀者應避免參加並在家休息。
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4. 本課程將於最後一堂課現場發放研習證書,請學員記得領取,無另外申請繼續教育學分。
5. 洽詢:請來信 臺灣精神分析學會 [email protected]
(每季為一獨立單位,各 12 堂課)
2020 高雄秋季班 到底什麼是精神分析?精神分析基本概念介紹
2021 高雄春季班 超越佛洛伊德
2021 高雄秋季班 精神分析診療室:治療框架與過程、治療師與病人
2022 高雄春季班 精神分析觀點之精神病理學
2021精神分析高雄春季班講座:超越佛洛伊德 Kaohsiung 2021 Freud and Beyond |
日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
1 |
3/17 |
佛洛伊德:發現精神分析 -Freud: The Discovery of Psychoanalysis (1895-1910) |
李俊毅醫師 |
2 |
3/24 |
佛洛伊德:成熟時代 -Freud: The Years of Maturity (1911-1920) ※上課時間改為7:30-9:30 PM |
王盈彬醫師 |
3 |
4/7 |
佛洛伊德:晚期的理論 -Freud: Fresh Perspectives (1920-1939) |
劉依盈心理師 |
4 |
4/14 |
格林:死亡母親 -Green: The Dead Mother |
陳建佑醫師 |
5 |
4/21 |
克萊恩:兒童精神分析的先驅 -Klein: The Pioneer of Child Psychoanalysis |
詹婉鈺心理師 |
6 |
4/28 |
法國精神分析發展概論 -An Overview of Psychoanalytic Development in France |
黃世明醫師 |
7 |
5/5 |
溫尼考特:由小兒科醫師到精神分析師 -Winnicott: From Pediatrist to Psychoanalyst |
李芝綺心理師 |
8 |
5/19 |
安娜佛洛伊德與自體心理學 -Anna Freud and Ego psychology |
莊慧姿心理師 |
9 |
5/26 |
當代克萊恩學派理論 -Contemporary Kleinian Theories
陳瑞慶心理師 |
10 |
6/2 |
寇哈特:自體心理學 -Kohut: Self Psychology |
劉慧卿醫師 |
11 |
6/9 |
當代美國精神分析 -Contemporary Psychoanalysis in USA |
葉怡寧醫師 |
12 |
6/16 |
畢昂:後現代心理治療大師 -Bion: Makers of Modern Psychotherapy |
許宗蔚醫師 |