【台北】精神分析取向心理治療入門課程 第四季----你可能或不可能遇到的:臨床的各種面貎以及精神分析的應用
Psychopathology and the Developmental Issues
合報第四季和第一季成為「學會之友」: 一般人士10,000元、學生6,000元
報名學會之友合報兩季課程者,恕無法以單季為單位退費。 (名額有限,欲報從速)
【疫情因應 】
1. 本課程原則上照常進行,並保持教室通風、加強環境清潔與消毒。
2. 本課程參加人數70人,請所有出席學員務必戴上口罩,避免在講堂飲食。有呼吸道症狀者應避免參加並在家休息。
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日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
1 |
03/17 |
憂鬱 |
陳冠宇(耕莘) |
2 |
03/24 |
精神病 |
黃守宏 |
3 |
03/31 |
邊緣型疾患 |
李郁芬 |
4 |
04/07 |
飲食疾患 |
陳冠宇(振芝) |
5 |
04/14 |
精神官能症與焦慮 |
王明智 |
6 |
04/21 |
倒錯 |
游佩琳 |
7 |
04/28 |
創傷 |
謝昀蓁 |
8 |
05/05 |
嬰幼兒心理健康 |
洪雅琴 |
9 |
05/12 |
兒童心理治療 |
林玉華 |
10 |
05/19 |
青少年及客體移除 |
李儒卿 |
11 |
05/26 |
老化的過程 |
邱智強 |
12 |
06/02 |
診療室中的自戀 Narcissistic Disorders |
李曉燕 |
陳冠宇:振芝心身醫學診所主治醫師兼教學部主任,松德院區心身醫學科前主任,德國福來堡大學醫學博士(專攻心身醫學),Academy for Eating Disorders會員,台灣心理腫瘤醫學學會理事,台灣兒童青少年精神醫學會理事,臺灣精神分析學會會員
1. 憂鬱 Depression
1) Freud, S. (1917) Mourning and Melancholia S.E. vol. 14, pp. 243-260
2) Brenner, C. (1991) A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Depression JAPA: 39, pp. 25-44
3) Ogden, T. (2002) A New Reading of the Origin of Object-Relations Theory IJP: 83, pp. 767-782
4) KLEIN, M. 1940 Mourning and its relation to manic-depressive states In Contributions to Psychoanalysis London: Hogarth Press, 1948
5) Jacobson, E. (1943). Depression—The Oedipus Conflict in the Development of Depressive Mechanisms. Psychoanal Q., 12:541-560.
6) Grinberg, L. (1978). The 'Razor's Edge' in Depression and Mourning. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:245-254.
2. 精神病 Psychosis
1) Grinberg, L., Sor, D., De Bianchedi, E.T. (1974). Bion's Concepts of Psychosis. Contemp. Psychoanal., 10:157-171.
2) Steiner, J. (1991). A Psychotic Organization of the Personality. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 72:201-207.
3) De Masi, F. (2000). The Unconscious and Psychosis: Some Considerations on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychosis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 81:1-20.
3. 邊緣型疾患 Borderline Disorders
1) Searles, H.F. (1969). A Case of Borderline Thought Disorder. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 50:655-664.
2) Fonagy, P. (2000). Attachment and Borderline Personality Disorder. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 48:1129-1146.
3) Kernberg, O. (1967). Borderline Personality Organization. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 15:641-685.
4) Kernberg, O.F., Yeomans, F.E., Clarkin, J.F., Levy, K.N. (2008). Transference Focused Psychotherapy: Overview and Update. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 89:601-620.
4. 飲食疾患 Eating Disorders
1) Dodes, L.M. (2003). Addiction and Psychoanalysis. Canadian J. Psychoanal., 11:123-134.
2) Charles, M. (2006). Silent Scream: The Cost of Crucifixion—Working With a Patient with an Eating Disorder. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 34:261-285.
3) James, M. (1979). The Non-Symbolic Nature of Psychosomatic Disorder: A Test Case of Both Klein and Classical Theory. Int. R. Psycho-Anal., 6:413-422.
4) Marty, P. (2010). The Narcissistic Difficulties Presented to the Observer by the Psychosomatic Problem. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 91:347-360.
5. 精神官能症與焦慮 Neurosis and Anxiety
1) Renik, O. (1990). The Concept of a Transference Neurosis and Psychoanalytic Methodology. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 71:197-204.
2) Hartocollis, P. (2002). ‘Actual Neurosis’ and Psychosomatic Medicine: The Vicissitudes of an Enigmatic Concept. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 83:1361-1373.
3) Krupp, G.R. (1965). Identification as a Defence Against Anxiety in Coping with Loss. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 46:303-314.
4) Rangell, L. (1978). On Understanding and Treating Anxiety and its Derivatives. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:229-236.
6. 倒錯 Perversions
1) Chasseguet-Smirgel, J. (1978). Reflexions on the Connexions Between Perversion and Sadism. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:27-35.
2) McDougall, J.( 1986). Identifications, neoneeds and neosexualities.Int. J. Psychoanal., 67:19-31.
3) Ogden T (1996). The perverse subject of analysis. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn. 44: 1121-46
4) Bonner, S. (2006). A Servant's Bargain: Perversion as Survival. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 87:1549-1567.
7. 診療室中的自戀 Narcissistic Disorders
1) Kohut, H. (1968). The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorders—Outline of a Systematic Approach. Psychoanal. St. Child, 23:86-113.
2) Kernberg, O.F. (1974). Contrasting Viewpoints Regarding the Nature and Psychoanalytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personalities: A Preliminary Communication. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 22:255-267.
3) Green, A. (2002). A Dual Conception of Narcissism: Positive and Negative Organizations. Psychoanal Q., 71:631-649.
8. 嬰幼兒心理健康 Infant Mental Health
1) Bowlby, J. (1958). The nature of the child's tie to his mother. International journal of psychoanalysis, 39, 350-373.
2) Weatherston, D.J. (2001). Infant Mental Health: A Review of Relevant Literature. Psychoanal. Soc. Work, 8:43-74.
3) Barrows, P. (1997). Parent-infant psychotherapy: a review article. J. Child Psychother. 23 255-264.
4) Barrows, P. (2000). Making the Case for Dedicated Infant Mental Health Services. Psychoanal. Psychother., 14:111-128.
9. 兒童心理治療 Child Psychotherapy
1) Klein, M. (1946) ‘Notes on some schizoid mechanisms’. In The Writings of Melanie Klein, 3. London: Hogarth Press (1975).
2) Winnicott, D.W. (1960) ‘Ego distortion in terms of true and false self’. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. New York: International Universities Press, 1965
3) Lieberman, A. and Silverman, R. (1999) ‘Negative maternal attributions, projective identification, and the intergenerational transmission of violent relational patterns’. Psychoanal. Dial., 9 (2): 161-86.
4) Altman, N. (2004). Child Psychotherapy: Converging Traditions. J. Child Psychother., 30:189-206.
10. 青少年及客體移除 Adolescence and Object Removal
1) KATAN, A. 1937 The role of 'displacement' in agoraphobia Int. J. Psychoanal. 32:42-50 1951 field:
2) BLOS, P. 1967 The second individuation process of adolescence Psychoanal. Study Child 22:162-186
3) SCHAFER, R. 1973 Concepts of self and identity and the experience of separation-individuation in adolescence Psychoanal. Q. 42:42-59
4) Furman, R.A. (1988). Object Removal Revisited. Int. R. Psycho-Anal., 15:165-176.
11. 老化的過程 The Aging Process
1) Adelson, M.J. (2000). Dealing with Aging Parents. J. Clin. Psychoanal., 9:127-136.
2) King, P. (1974), Notes on the psychoanalysis of older patients. J. Anal. Psychol., 19:22-37
3) King, P. (1980). The Life Cycle as Indicated by the Nature of the Transference in the Psychoanalysis of the Middle-Aged and Elderly. Int. J. Psycho-Anal. 61:153-160
4) Hildebrand, H.P. (1987). Psychoanalysis and Aging. Ann. Psychoanal., 15:113-125.
12. 創傷 Trauma(actuel neurosis)
1) Balint, M. (1969). Trauma and Object Relationship. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 50:429-435
2) Ulman, R.B. and Brothers, D. (1987). A Self-Psychological Reevaluation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its Treatment. J. Am. Acad. Psychoanal. Dyn. Psychiatr., 15:175-203
3) Lindy, J.D. (1989). Transference and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. J. Am. Acad. Psychoanal. Dyn. Psychiatr., 17:397-413
4) Casoni, D. (2002). ‘Never Twice Without Thrice’. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 83:137-159
2021.02.28(含)前 早鳥優惠 |
2021.03.01(含)後 及現場報名 |
學會之友優惠 (合報第四季和第一季) |
臺灣精神分析學會會員 |
免費參與 |
一般人士 |
6,000元 |
7,000元 |
10,000元 |
學生(請出示國內有效學生證) |
3,500元 |
4,500元 |
6,000元 |
※ 恕不接受單堂報名。
台北【精神分析取向心理治療入門課程 第一季】
(Basic Concepts: Exploring the Psychoanalytic Thinking)
【課程大綱/講師】( 註:11/24 跳過無課程 )
日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
1 |
9/15 |
無意識(或潛意識)與潛抑(The Unconscious and Repression) |
林俐伶 |
2 |
9/22 |
嬰兒式性特質:生之本能(Infantile Sexuality and Life Instinct) |
蔡榮裕 |
3 |
9/29 |
死亡本能:破壞與攻擊(The Death instinct: destructiveness, aggressivity) |
張秋茜 |
4 |
10/06 |
精神現實與外在現實(Psychic Reality and External Reality) |
陳瑞君 |
5 |
10/13 |
原初場景(Primal scene)王明智 |
王明智 |
6 |
10/20 |
伊底帕斯情結(The Oedipus Complex) |
陳嘉玲 |
7 |
10/27 |
心與身(Psyche and soma) |
李郁芬 |
8 |
11/03 |
結構理論(The Structural theory) |
陳冠宇 |
9 |
11/10 |
移情(Transference) |
劉又銘 |
10 |
11/17 |
防衛與衝突(Defense and conflict) |
彭奇章 |
11 |
12/01 |
失落與匱乏(Loss and Lack) |
謝昀蓁 |
12 |
12/08 |
創傷(Trauma) |
魏與晟 |
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2. 學生身份報名者請於開課當日報到時出示有效學生證,以便順利入場。
3. 本課程沒有提供線上上課或是錄音錄影等補課服務,亦不接受學員私自錄音或錄影。造成不便,敬請見諒!
4. 本課程之研習證書將於全部課程結束後統一以email方式寄送,無另外申請繼續教育學分。
5. 洽詢:請來信 臺灣精神分析學會 [email protected]