精神分析取向心理治療入門課程 第二季 ---- 百家爭鳴:另起爐灶的基本概念
堂數 |
日期 |
主題 |
講師 |
1 |
03/23 |
防衛與衝突 Defense and Conflict |
陳冠宇醫師 |
2 |
03/30 |
內攝、投射、以及分裂:妄想類分裂位置 Introjection, projective identification, and splitting: the Pananoid-Schizoid Position |
蔡榮裕醫師 |
3 |
04/06 |
幻想、妒羨、憂鬱位置 Phantasy, Envy, and the Depressive Position |
林玉華心理師 |
4 |
04/13 |
親子關係與原始情緒發展 Parent-Infant Relationship and Primitive Emotional Development |
周仁宇醫師 |
5 |
04/20 |
過渡客體與過渡現象 Transitional Objects and Transitional phenomena |
黃彥勳醫師 |
6 |
04/27 |
發展理論 Human Development |
李儒卿醫師 |
7 |
05/04 |
象徵形成及語言 Symbol Formation and Language |
李郁芬醫師 |
8 |
05/11 |
依附理論與精神分析 Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis |
粘慧美醫師 |
9 |
05/18 |
心智化 Mentalizing |
劉佳昌醫師 |
10 |
05/25 |
互為主體 Intersubjectivity |
洪雅琴心理師 |
11 |
06/01 |
神入與自體心理學 Empathy and Self psychology |
劉慧卿醫師 |
12 |
06/15 |
精神分析是一種腦部科學嗎? The Psychoanalysis, the Psychotropics and the Neuroscience |
楊明敏醫師 |
( 註:6/8無課程,跳過一週 )
03/23 防衛與衝突 Defense and Conflict
1) Freud, S. (1894). The neuro-psychoses of defence. In J. Strachey (Ed. & Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 3, pp. 45-61). London, England: Hogarth Press.
2) Brenner C. (1981). Defense and Defense Mechanisms. Psychoanal Q., 50: 557-569
3) Abend, S.M. (1981). Psychic Conflict and the Concept of Defense. Psychoanal Q., 50:67-76.
Introjection, projective identification, and splitting: the Pananoid-Schizoid Position
1) Klein, M. (1946), Notes on some schizoid mechanisms, in Envy and Gratitude, Free Press, New York, 1984.
2) Kernberg, O.F. (1987). Projection and Projective Identification: Developmental and Clinical Aspects. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 35:795-819.
3) Steiner, J. (1992). The equilibrium between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions. In R. Anderson (Ed.), Clinical lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Routledge.
4) Sandler, J. (1993). On Communication from Patient to Analyst: Not Everything is Projective Identification. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:1097-1107.
04/06幻想、嫉羨、憂鬱位置 Phantasy, Envy, and the Depressive Position
1) Klein, M. (1935). A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 16:145-174.
2) Etchegoyen, R.H., Lopez, B.M., Rabih, M. (1987). On Envy and How to Interpret it. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 68:49-60.
2) Britton, R. (1992). The Oedipus Situation and the Depressive Position. New Library of Psychoanalysis, 14:34-45.
4) Spillius, E.B. (2001). Freud and Klein on the Concept of Phantasy. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 82:361-373.
Parent-Infant Relationship and Primitive Emotional Development
1) Winnicott, D.W. (1953). Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena—A Study of the First Not-Me Possession1. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 34:89-97
2) Winnicott, D.W. (1960). The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship1. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 41:585-595
3) Bion, W.R. (1962). The Psycho-Analytic Study of Thinking. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 43:306-310
04/20過渡客體和過渡現象 Transitional Objects and Transitional phenomena
1) Winnicott, D. W. (1951). Transitional objects and transitional phenomena. In Through Paediatrics to Psychoanalysis. London: Hogarth Press. 1975.
2) Busch, F., McKnight, J. (1977). Theme and Variation in the Development of the First Transitional Object. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 58:479-486.
3) Giovacchini, P.L. (1984). The Psychoanalytic Paradox: The Self as a Transitional Object. Psychoanal. Rev., 71:81-104.
04/27發展理論Human Development
1) Freud, A. (1963). The Concept of Developmental Lines.Psychoanal. St. Child, 18:245-265
2) Laquercia, T. (1989). A Psychoalytic Perspective on the Opposing Forces in Human Development. Mod. Psychoanal., 14:183-195.
3) Buren, J.V. (1993). Mother-Infant Semiotics: Intuition and the Development of Human Subjectivity—Klein/Lacan: Fantasy and Meaning. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 21:567-580.
05/04象徵形成及語言Symbol Formation and Language
1) Jones, E. 1916 The theory of symbolism In Papers on Psycho-Analysis London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1948 pp. 87-144
2) Peller, L.E. (1966) “Freud's contribution of language theory.”Psychoanal. St. Child 21: 448-461.
3) Rosolato, G. (1978). Symbol Formation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:303-313.
4) Segal, H. (1957). Notes on Symbol Formation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 38:391-397.
05/11依附理論與精神分析Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis
1) Bowlby, J. (1981). Psychoanalysis as a Natural Science. Int. R. Psycho-Anal., 8:243-256.
2) Mitchell, S.A. (1999). Attachment Theory and the Psychoanalytic Tradition: Reflections on Human Relationality. Psychoanal. Dial., 9:85-107.
3) Fonagy, P. (1999). Points of Contact and Divergence Between Psychoanalytic and Attachment Theories: Is Psychoanalytic Theory Truly Different. Psychoanal. Inq., 19:448-480.
05/18心智化 Mentalizing
1) Bion, W. R.( 1962a). A theory of thinking.Int. J. Psychoanal., 43: 306-310
2) Fonagy, P. (1991). Thinking about thinking: some clinical and theoretical considerations in the treatment of a borderline patient.Int. J. Psychoanal., 72: 639-656.
3) Lecours, S., Bouchard, M. (1997). Dimensions Of Mentalisation: Outlining Levels Of Psychic Transformation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 78:855-875.
05/25互為主體 Intersubjectivity
1) Kernberg, O.F. (1997). The Nature of Interpretation: Intersubjectivity and the Third Position. Am. J. Psychoanal., 57:297-312.
2) Dunn, J. (1995). Intersubjectivity In Psychoanalysis: A Critical Review. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:723-738.
3) Fonagy, P., Target, M. (2007). Playing with Reality: IV. A Theory of External Reality Rooted in Intersubjectivity. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 88:917-937.
06/01神入與自體心理學 Empathy and Self psychology
1) Kohut, H. (1959). Introspection, empathy, and psychoanalysis: an examination of the relationship between mode of observation and theory.J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 7:459-483.
2) Greenson, R. R. (1960). Empathy and its vicissitudes.Int. J. Psychoanal., 41:418- 424.
3) Schwaber, E. A. (1981). Empathy: a mode of analytic listening. Psychoanal. Inquiry, 1:357-392.
(d) Buie, D. H. (1981). Empathy: its nature and limitations.J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 29:281-307.
The Psychoanalysis, the Psychotropics and the Neuroscience
1) Edelson, M. (1986). The Convergence of Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience:—Illusion and Reality. Contemp. Psychoanal., 22:479-519.
2) Slipp, S. (2000). Introduction to Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 28:191-201.
3) Pugh, G. (2002). Freud's‘Problem’: Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychoanalysis Working Together on Memory. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 83:1375-1394.
4) Carmeli, Z., Blass, R. (2013). The Case Against Neuroplastic Analysis: A Further Illustration of the Irrelevance of Neuroscience to Psychoanalysis Through a Critique of Doidge's The Brain that Changes Itself. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 94:391-410.
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2016.02.29(含)前 早鳥優惠 |
2016.03.01(含)後 及現場報名 |
學會之友優惠 (合報第二季和第三季) |
臺灣精神分析學會會員 |
免費參與 |
一般人士 |
6,000元 |
7,000元 |
10,000元 |
學生(請出示國內有效學生證) |
3,500元 |
4,500元 |
6,000元 |
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2. 學生身份報名者請於開課當日報到時出示有效學生證,以便順利入場。
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【精神分析取向心理治療 入門課程】全系列課程綜覽
(每季為一獨立單位,各 12 堂課)
第一季 跨過精神分析的門檻:十二個基本概念(已結束)
第二季 百家爭鳴:另起爐灶的基本概念
第三季 診療室內:治療框架與過程、治療師與病人
第四季 你可能或不可能遇到的:臨床的各種面貎以及精神分析的應用
第三季 (2016年9~12月) The Consulting Room: The Therapeutic Setting and the Therapist-Patient Relationship |
日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
09/28 |
移情 Transference |
李曉燕 |
10/05 |
反移情與治療師的訓練與養成 Counter-transference and the Professional Development |
劉心蕾 |
10/12 |
投射認同 Projective Identification |
黃守宏 |
10/26 |
阻抗及其處置 Resistance and how can we do about it |
陳冠宇 |
11/02 |
夢、症狀、以及日常生活中的語誤 Dream, Symptoms and slips in everyday life |
李郁芬 |
11/09 |
精神分析與心理治療:兩者的異同與適用範圍 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: differences and indications |
邱顯智 |
11/16 |
治療的框架:開始、結束、和目標 Therapeutic Setting: beginning, termination, and aims |
李詠慧 |
11/23 |
詮釋:什麼是詮釋?何時詮釋?如何詮釋? Interpretation: What? When? How? |
粘慧美 |
11/30 |
在機構中技巧與框架的修正 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutions |
蔡榮裕 |
12/07 |
治療的倫理議題 Ethical Issues |
洪雅琴 |
12/14 |
心理治療是否有效 Therapeutic factors |
謝昀蓁 |
12/21 |
在理論與臨床之間 Relations between the theory and the practice |
劉佳昌 |
第四季 (2017年3~6月)
Psychopathology and the Developmental Issues
1. 憂鬱 Depression
2. 創傷 Trauma(actuel neurosis)
3. 精神病 Psychosis
4. 精神官能症與焦慮 Neurosis and Anxiety
5. 邊緣型疾患 Borderline Disorders
6. 心身症、飲食疾患與成癮 Psychosomatic Disorders, Eating Disorders and Addiction
7. 倒錯 Perversions
8. 自戀 Narcissistic Disorders
9. 嬰幼兒心理健康 Infant Mental Health
10. 兒童心理治療 Child Psychotherapy
11. 青少年及客體移除 Adolescence and Object Removal
12. 老化的過程 The Aging Process